
Work-Life Balance

I think people should spend at work less than 8 hours a day. People should spend with their families more than 3 hours a weekday. People should take breakfast and dinner with family. It is easy for me to leave work early for family events.…

Taking Leave

This is a sentence to practice English composition. My coworker has taken parental two weeks leave. He has three children. After his last son born, he took parental leave. Before taking leave, employees should take over their tasks. If pos…


昨年の11月末からオンライン英会話を始めた(再開した)。 今年の1月から週4ペースで続けている。(金・土・日・月) 今のところはこれで無理なくできている気がする。 適度に予習・復習する時間も取れている。 そのうち会話力が上がったことを実感できるだろう…

How do I enable cache in the development environment in Rails? | Railsでdevelopment環境でキャッシュを有効にするには

Set the following to enable cache 以下の設定を有効にするとキャッシュが有効になる touch tmp/caching-dev.txt